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History of the file that is called src/natools-chunked_strings.adb at check-in 4a8ff2de3de8c205
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20:21 | Adjustments to pass GNAT 4.9 compilatiion without warning file: [96ce81a254] check-in: [b8364499b7] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71799 | |
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21:51 | chunked_strings: fix a bug where Index checks beyond string upper bound file: [ba9d2b7b2a] check-in: [b2d601f43d] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71776 | |
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21:10 | chunked_strings: improive Find_Token implementation file: [dc49608feb] check-in: [75f285cc82] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71386 | |
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20:38 | chunked_strings: remove (hopefully) dead code in Chunked_String vs String comparison file: [12439cabc9] check-in: [2afdfab33b] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71587 | |
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18:49 | chunked_strings: remove some (hopefully) dead code file: [c17e46f8f8] check-in: [585443dcaf] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71732 | |
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19:45 | chunked_strings: fix size after Hard_Reset file: [56171a6910] check-in: [c4b3d85973] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71974 | |
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22:56 | Renamed natools-chunked_strings.adb → src/natools-chunked_strings.adb. Separation of library source and test code into distinct directories file: [a7ad3f6741] check-in: [fb1e9e5c96] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71953 | |
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14:39 | Added: natools-chunked_strings: new package for efficient storage and append on large strings file: [a7ad3f6741] check-in: [99dd3c799b] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 71953 | |