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History of the file that is called src/ at check-in cf0534dce338a5e5
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20:27 | tests: add Generic_Check helper procedure file: [d1825e10b9] check-in: [8608b41131] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 6389 | |
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21:59 | tests: new interface using finalization to ensure reporting is correct in all code paths file: [052149f59b] check-in: [444efe557e] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 6025 | |
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22:56 | Renamed → src/ Separation of library source and test code into distinct directories file: [a9f7e4daed] check-in: [fb1e9e5c96] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 4239 | |
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08:51 | Added: natools-tests: light interface for test reports file: [a9f7e4daed] check-in: [b81eadc098] user: nat branch: trunk, size: 4239 | |